Friday, September 19, 2008

summer into fall...

Life is busy, busy! We are in the midst of homeschooling-2nd, 1st and pre-K, finishing up on summer cleaning jobs, working at the YMCA 3 days a week, starting with Sunday school organizing, planning with our church's women's group, soccer, financial course (Financial Peace at church-yay!), our online Bible study (girls I'm so behind-sorry!) and somehow figuring out how to cook, clean and do laundry...and most importantly putting the Lord first. Through His grace, though my load has not lessened too much, my stress has greatly. However, He is letting me know that I am not putting Him first. Life is taking priority over the Giver of life. Should I continue on this path, no doubt it will all come crashing down, as I am weak...but He is strong.

So, a gentle reminder to give the Lord our all. Not last, 3rd or even 2nd place, but 1st. When He is in charge, when we seek the counsel of God to plan our day, to ask for His wisdom and discernment to make choices and plans that would glorify Him...our days are going to be fulfilling (no, I didn't say easy), having everything be done that needs to be. There is that happy balance of being structured, planned but open to the unexpected or spontaneous...a call or unexpected visit from or to someone...

Have a blessed week, praying for peace of mind, joyful hearts and an abundance of grace and mercy to ourselves and others... all from the Lord...and quiet moments with Him.

Read here for more thoughts from others- life, love, priorities...the Lord...


Thursday, September 4, 2008

1000 Gifts (21-30)

Happy Birthday my sweet six year old (yesterday). The Lord has placed a gift of compassion and joy in you that overflows my heart. Praying we will help guard and nurture these gifts from the Lord and that you would seek the Lord with all your heart, using these gifts He has placed in you for His glory. Praying for the Lord's protection and love over you always. We love you sweet boy! Thankful for you and your precious brothers and father:)

21. our women's breakfast
22. a tender prayer
23. a most precious hurting woman, feeling the Lord's tugging
24. the hope of her hearing, allowing, asking the Lord in...and what He'll pour out upon her
25. a new, brave face
26. the Lord's work and leading, His strength in my very apparent weakness, excitement of teaching His word...being refreshed by His grace
27. my little one's arm being okay (after jumping off a chair!)
28. a look of love and acceptance from an encouraging word (that encouraged me right back)
29. daddy's day better than he expected
30. a husband who loves the Lord and his family...

God bless you, praying you're seeing Him in the big and small things of everyday and situation.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Church moved by the Hand of God...

When God has a plan, nothing stands in His awesome He is!

I read about this little church in Swan Quarter, NC in my daily devotional (The Word For You Today) this morning, I can only say how cool the Lord is:)

What a comfort to know that He is so much bigger than we can even imagine...stand firm on your faith in Him, He'll never let you down, remembering His ways are not our own and He works everything to His glory and our own good.

"For I am the Lord. I speak, and the word which I speak will come to pass."
-Ezekial 12:25 NKJV

2021 today...

And here we are two years later. We had a vile presidential election in 2020, are still having a worldwide pandemic (Covid-19), and the voic...

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