Thursday, December 29, 2011

linked post- stewardship

great post here I found by clicking the "next" button on my blog from blogger.  glad I did :)


Praying you have a had a blessed Christmas.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

seasons with hope...

Don't you just love the fall?   The smell of burning leaves, the smoke rising from the chimney...
(I am in the northeast...maybe you have the smell of suntan lotion, in that case...well, no comment! )
....the radiant colors of the leaves, snuggly socks, rich hot coffee in the dark of the morning, pumpkin pies, hearty soups, soft homemade bread nestling the sweet butter, craft time, the warm, sweet embrace of the loved one and cozy little ones nestled in a lap while reading Snowy Day...blessings.

Seasons can be crazy.
Seasons can be loud.
Seasons can be quiet.
Seasons can be somber.

Fall brings the close of hot days, maddening schedules, loud days and long nights.  It brings with it routine, quieter days, rest and the richness of color.

Then comes winter.  Fall colors fade away, leaving the simple white of snow, the angular lines of bare branches, the fullness of evergreens and their crisp sweet scent, the swirl of hot chocolate steam and cozy days together.

Spring is greatly welcomed.  The peeking of daffodils, colors bursting forth in the grey days, welcoming of new life, the joyful chirp of returning winged friends, April showers.  Even the mud and pesky black flies bring a relief to the long winter days.

Summer, oh summer.  Hot days, cold ice cream, bare feet running through vibrant green blades of grass, sprinklers, waves, sand, seashells.  Loud laughter late into the evening with sunsets past the dinner hour and crazy schedules.

We are fortunate here in New England to experience the four seasons.  Before our move here, we didn't have such distinct differences in the seasons.  In the south it was hot and mild..mostly hot!  Sometimes, life can be like this.  At some point in time as a new Christian someone referred to life as seasons.  This stuck with me.  What a beautiful analogy.  The highs and lows.  The hot and the cold.  The new and the old.  With each season, though some seem longer than others, the next season will come.  With this, no matter what season you are in, there is hope.  Hope.  Isn't this one of the most beautiful words and gifts the Lord has given us.

"[ Hannah’s Prayer ] Then Hannah prayed and said: “My heart rejoices in the LORD; in the LORD my horn is lifted high. My mouth boasts over my enemies, for I delight in your deliverance."~ 1 Samuel 2:1

"Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?”~Job 2:10

"Though we are slaves, our God has not forsaken us in our bondage. He has shown us kindness in the sight of the kings of Persia: He has granted us new life to rebuild the house of our God and repair its ruins, and he has given us a wall of protection in Judah and Jerusalem."~Ezra 8:9-10

“Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” ~John 6:35 

There is a verse for every season, but through each one there is Hope.  
And as believers in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we have hope because of this:

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)

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