Friday, November 2, 2007


We're still doing our bible study from the Peacemaking Series with Ken Sande. This evening we spoke about confronting conflicts, be it something done wrong to you or something you see where accountability is needed.

It is so very important for us to be able to have peace in our lives. I think many of us fall into a pattern of trying to "keep the peace" or being "nice and agreeable." I remember Beth Moore in one of her bible studies brought such a great point of choosing to be a peacekeeper or a peacemaker. I've almost always been in the seat of peacekeeper- avoiding conflict, trying to smooth over the cracks, keep everyone happy. But in turn, there have been times I've not stood up for loved ones or myself. I've become fearful of making mistakes or not trusting my own judgement. And then I always find myself making excuses, justifying my or someone else's actions to "keep the peace."

This, however is not keeping the peace.

Peace: (5.) freedom of the mind from fear, anxiety, or annoyance
The Random House Dictionary

The first definition presented was "the absence of war" but the above definition is what truly speaks to me. When I'm being a peacekeeper and putting "band-aids" over problems or concerns, my mind is not free from worry, fear, doubt...because my heart knows that we're not dealing with the issue causing the turmoil.

There truly is a time and place for everything, and our faithful Father will let us know when we ask. I believe the most important thing here with all of this though is finding freedom. Finding freedom to be who God created. Finding freedom from your past, your hurts, your sins. Finding freedom through Jesus Christ to love who you are and who He has placed with you. Finding freedom from judgment and condemnation of yourself and others. Finding freedom to love and be loved unconditionally and mercifully. Finding freedom to heal, to have faith and to trust.
...finding freedom to have His peace.

"A heart at peace gives life to the body..." Proverbs 14:30

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God" Matthew 5:9

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." James 3:17-18

Wow! The wisdom of heaven is peace! I sure do want that in our lives! When we are seeking freedom through Him from ourselves, we can begin to see the life He truly wants for us. A life full of love, hope and peace from Him.

Dear Lord, thank you for the peace only you provide. Thank you for allowing me the chance to find freedom from my hurts and sins and the gift of seeking you out. Dear Lord, walk with us as we seek freedom through you that we may know and love you more. I pray for protection and covering of us and our loved ones as we embark on this journey with you. In Jesus name, Amen.

God bless you!


Sarah A. said...

Thank you for this! I love this reminder about the difference between a peace keeper and a peacemaker!

Praise and Coffee said...

What a beautiful post! Keep writing!

Bree said...

Thank you ladies! God bless you and thank you for your words/blogs-amazing encouragement!

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