Saturday, July 27, 2013

day 21

Today is my today.

This is what I've been repeating...over and over.  Today is my today.

I recently read an article in a homeschooling magazine that addressed this- the author nailed it right on the head.

Today is your today.  Today is what you have.  You're not going to be a better parent tomorrow, or start that diet tomorrow, or have a great school day, be a better teacher, friend, daughter, mother, wife....tomorrow.

Today is your today.

We have to make choices, even the nasty out-of-our-box, comfort zone, uncomfortable choices.  We are not promised a tomorrow.  We have to do the best we can with the today God has given us.  And hopefully we can rest our head at night, by the grace of God and say humbly, today was my today and I tried my best.  Will my today be perfect? Will I fail...even miserably. Maybe.  But did I try my best...hopefully.  Grace is an amazing and wonderful gift...can I get an Amen? :)  This might be the whole entire purpose of my desire to live intentionally.  I am constantly looking to the future of "when I.." instead of embracing today and living in it.  Changes start with a first step, it doesn't have to be a huge leap. Like the sugar in my coffee...stopping this one thing helped me to lose weight (and I realized why I loved my coffee so much! LOL) Have no fear, didn't stop the coffee, just the sugar and I like it much better now...I suppose I might end up drinking it black some day ;)

So today is today.  The gift of one day for we do not know what tomorrow brings.  And by His grace if today is a complete flop, we praise Him that His mercies are new every morning.  His love endures forever.

Have a blessed weekend friends.  Rejoice in your today.  You are loved and fearfully steps, by His grace.

Jesus, Founder and Perfecter of Our Faith ] Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:1 ESV

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