I love sitting outside. I was recently listening to Edie Wadsworth’s podcast, The Life You Love Manifesto, and at some point she said (I am paraphrasing) how there is a
longing in us when we see God’s creation, almost a yearning and thirst. My
initial thought was of desperation but I couldn’t wrap my head around that. I
feel peaceful when I am sitting here in the mornings before everyone else is
up? But then all of the sudden it sunk in- she’s right! Being outside in the
mornings listening to the birds, watching the squirrels gather what they need,
the gentle breeze and the sound of the leaves fluttering or seeing the sunset
(simply just from the backyard) with its glorious and rich colors not made by
anything but the hand of God, it is overwhelming! There is a glorious richness
of peace that blankets you as you take in just a sliver of His glory. There is
an awesomeness that can’t be put into words.
Life is fast and hectic: laundry, bills, dishes, meals,
school, quality time…There is so much to do and it too can be overwhelming, but
not in the same sense. Taking the time to rest in God’s presence in quiet is a need. It is a time to
recharge, to be loved on by the Father…it is a gift to us. When we can rest in
His presence, we are then refueled to do what we need to.
Yesterday I was almost to my breaking point. Tired, empty,
overly emotional, stressed by a to do list and for me it is in those times that
the enemy likes to remind me of my own ugliness and distort truth into the
world’s lies. I can’t explain it any other way. And in these moments I must
cling even more tightly to my Father (one of the huge reasons to memorize
scripture!) It’s sink or swim time. There is no reasoning with one’s self,
simply prayer, His Word, praise music…think on that which is lovely (Him!)
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good
repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on
these things. 9The things you have learned and received and heard and seen
in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
~Philippians 4:8-9
God is so faithful. He, as always, met me where I was.
Yesterday became better, nothing physically changed and I still had everything
to do, but my heart and mind were put at rest and I didn’t crawl into the bed
and hide. And this morning I am sitting in the backyard (nothing special or
grand by any means) with a mug of coffee and having the sweetest moment,
reading one of my favorite devotionals, Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest and taking the time to write this. To God
always be the glory.
Running this marathon of life with the Father (and
remembering I need to rest with Him
along the way) that I may press on towards the goal. If I am empty I have
nothing to give but my own self, which isn’t pretty. If I am full in Christ, He
can use me to love and serve others in His love, a humbling truth…and gift.
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call
of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in
anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. Only let us
hold true to what we have attained.
1:14-16 ESV
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