Friday, September 20, 2013

day 25 intentionally-update and school

The Lord is good, isn't He?  Yes! We are happy to say we've been blessed to have all of our needs met.    This transition time has been (and continues to be) lessons on trusting the Lord, being patient and (by His grace) realizing He does provide-He opens and He closes doors-and this is the only reason why we have what we have.  Because. He. Provides. It.

So now, we're...waiting for the next step.  It seems it is a week by week situation.  And who am I to complain waiting a week--it could be a lifetime!

On a less life issue, we have begun our school year.  We've just finished our 3rd week of school (where does the time go and praise the Lord it is Friday!) and with a humble heart, I couldn't be happier!  We are being consistent, I'm making it a priority and the big one, PRAYER! Why I would think I could do this on my own, hilarious?! :)  Isn't He good with HIS faithful and steadfast love!

It's hard to believe we have two middle schoolers as well...I have to say K-6 is not scary but for some reason a 7th grader is scary!  I feel like I have a high schooler and I'm panicking a bit about transcripts and psats... I know I'm not there yet but really, I'M ALOMST THERE! Sorry, I'm fine, really I am.

No, seriously it's not too scary...I did finally ask a seasoned homeschooler who works at the homeschool store what I should buy (yep, a little slow on trying to be wise.)

Finally, our sweet one is turning one next week.  Oh my, how a year has gone by I don't even know.  I am humbled the Lord has blessed us with him; has brought us to Virginia; has brought me back home and has blessed hubby with a good paying job.

We would gratefully ask for prayer with selling our home and finding our own here...the next steps with getting settled :)

All of it in His timing.

Happy weekend to you!

“Be glad, O children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given the early rain for your vindication; he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, as before. Joel 2:23 ESV

1 comment:

myletterstoemily said...

that looks like an intentionally lively
school full of boys. you should read
them "little men." :}

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