I've said it before on here...my struggle with being content. God has brought great change in my heart in this area but it is still a weak spot that, by His grace, I still continually have to work at. I've just read this post and what a sweet and simple reminder...just be thankful. I appreciate the honesty of her words. Isn't that what we need to do, just be honest. There is something about this blog world, where we read the words of someone unknown, see their lives, their homeschooling days, their lovely homes, their delicious foods or beautiful creations, their well organized days or fabulous family fun times...and we compare. And we forget that this is just a glimpse of their day. This is the part of the day that they want to write about. And to be honest, this is the part of the day we want to read about. We can learn from others. Yes, it is okay to want to be a better wife, mom, friend, daughter. To do a better job homeschooling or managing your home. Isn't this why we read or go to conferences or listen to others. It is all in moderation. That great blog is not your idol. We take from it what we can. But the first and final authority- Christ. Our values, our identity, our goals are in and for Him. As much as I would like to be like "her" or "her" I am who I am. I am a daughter of the living God. I am a sinner saved by grace. I am wife who adores her husband but lets him down sometimes. I am a mama who loves her children with a full heart but sometimes would rather surf the internet than play a game with them. I am a daughter with a mother who shows amazing unconditional loves and still sometimes I am inconsiderate and judgmental. I am a friend who finds joy in serving but sometimes says hurtful things or forgets to follow through. Keeping it real here...
But can I say this? I am a girl who loves the Lord. More importantly, I am a girl who is loved by the Lord. I want more than what I am right now. I want more of Him and less of me. I want to be as close to a Proverbs 31 woman as Christ will have me be. I want to be a mother who's not selfish with her time and lazy with her effort. I want to be a daughter that Christ radiates through and His love is shown, not my sinful self. I want to be a friend that considers my family first, prays first and can be counted on, even if it is an answer of no, because it is honest.
I want to do all of this for God's glory, not my own.
I want to be who He created me to be. To be content in where He has me. To hear His still, small voice when He speaks to me in the craziness of the day. I want to seek Him first in every matter. Trusting I can hear my Shepard's voice. I want to be thankful in all things.
Isn't our God good.
Praying for your walk with Him.
having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, Ephesians 1:18 ESV
1 comment:
you are an inspiration to so many,
especially to me. your heart will
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